Decorative georgian design fretwork mahogany wall mirror with crest.
Size: 47 cm wide x 3 cm deep x 89 cm high
Victorian oval gilt wood wall mirror decorated with ribbon decoration and bevelled glass.
Size: 53 cm wide x 5 cm deep x 66 cm high
Adam design oval wall mirror decorated with swags and garlands.
Size: 60 cm wide x 3 cm deep x 50 cm high
Edwardian mahogany fret carved wall mirror with scroll surround and shell mounts.
Size: 78 cm wide x 3 cm deep x 67 cm high
Early 20th century walnut adjustable cheval mirror with shaped top.
Size: 40 cm wide x 43 cm deep x 155 cm high
Early 20th century gilt wood oval wall mirror with bevelled glass.
Size: 82 cm wide x 4 cm deep x 53 cm high
Early 20th century figured mahogany fret carved wall mirror with gilt slip and classical shell surmount.
Size: 43 cm wide x 3 cm deep x 71 cm high
19th century gilt wood and gesso ribbon decorated frame wall mirror with bevelled glass.
Size: 91 cm wide x 4 cm deep x 64 cm high
19th century mahogany fret carved wall mirror with ho ho bird surmount.
Size: 48 cm wide x 4 cm deep x 33 cm high
Regency giltwood overmantel mirror with foliate decoration.
Size: 112 cm wide x 8 cm deep x 74 cm high
Antique triple plate overmantel mirror with bevelled glass and classical urns,swags and collumns.
Size: 107 cm wide x 7 cm deep x 72 cm high
Large early 20th Century giltwood and gesso framed oval wall mirror.
Size: 81 cm wide x 6 cm deep x 110 cm high
Large rococo design gilt wood framed decorative wall mirror.
Size: 66 cm wide x 4 cm deep x 100 cm high
Antique large gilt frame decorative wall mirror with bevelled glass.
Size: 82 cm wide x 3 cm deep x 119 cm high
Antique mahogany fret carved wall mirror with bevelled glass, ho ho bird surmount and classical shell inlay.
Size: 54 cm wide x 5 cm deep x 91 cm high
Early 20th century walnut fret carved wall mirror with ho ho bird surmount.
Size: 50 cm wide x 4 cm deep x 86 cm high
Fine quality antique walnut cusion frame mirror with bevelled glass.
Size: 92 cm wide x 4 cm deep x 61 cm high
We don't only sell the standard items - we also sell quirky and unusual items: chaise longues, monks benches, pedestal desks, extending dining tables, 19th Century mahogany bow-front chest of drawers, antique dressing table mirrors, tripod tables, bureaus, Butler's Trays, Campaign Chests, Balloon back chairs, Wing Armchairs, Cricket tables, Jardiniere Stands, Joint Stools, Overmantle Mirrors, Lazy Susan, Sofa Tables, Twin Pillar Dining Tables, Sutherland Tables, Antiques Windsor and Smoker's Bow Armchairs - etc - these are just some of the many items we sell.
We can help you find that special item you're looking for by contacting us on 01488 682256 or e-mailing us on or visiting our shop in Hungerford.